Body Sculpting

How Long Does Body Sculpting Last?

You are not alone if you can not get rid of stubborn body fat on your stomach or buttocks via exercise and a healthy diet. These days, multiple people refer to professional in-office treatments to kill fat cells and lose a few pounds. Body sculpting is an excellent option for everyone who doesn’t want to go under the knife. Meanwhile, the concern about how long do body sculpting results last remains quite widespread among consumers. Keep reading to discover this.

How do body contouring procedures work?

Body contouring treatments is a general term that involves multiple non-invasive cosmetic procedures designed to reduce stubborn body fat deposits. These procedures have become pretty popular in the market as they offer promising results without a surgical approach. As a result, people don’t need to recover for long and get skin scarring after treatment. In addition, body sculpting therapies can eliminate fat in various body areas, such as the chin, abdomen, thighs, upper arms, under the buttocks, etc.

Body contouring treatments utilize a range of cutting-edge technologies to target or kill subcutaneous fat efficiently. These fat cells are located above the body muscles and underneath the skin, causing prominent bulges on the body. Different procedures incorporate fat cell freezing or heating and exposure to ultrasound or radiofrequency to promote body fat loss. In addition, these aesthetic approaches are excellent for making your skin smoother and firmer.

Body sculpting: How long does it last?

Whether you wonder how long do body sculpting results last, you are in the right place. The results after body-sculpting are usually permanent. Once a used technology breaks down body fat cells, they won’t return in most cases. You might not know that the human body does not produce new fat cells after puberty. Additionally, the fat cells in your body might lessen or expand with weight loss or gain. A healthy lifestyle with a well-balanced diet and regular exercise is the first pledge to maintaining permanent body-sculpting effects.

Patients will likely see the initial results following a non-surgical body-contouring procedure in a month or two afterward. At the same time, the final results will come when an individual returns to their daily routine. Three to six months are usually enough to notice the full results of a new body shape. What is more, these effects are long-lasting, allowing you to enjoy the body reshaping for up to ten years. Remember to follow a healthy lifestyle to maintain the results after treatment.

It is worth mentioning that non-surgical body sculpting therapies require additional sessions for the most optimal outcomes, unlike most surgical approaches. Patients usually get touch-up treatments every month within four to six months after the first appointment. All types of body sculpting technologies are the best solutions for people with a normal body mass index to leverage permanent body fat cell destruction.